The 8th International


JULY 17th - 18th, 2025 | BALI, INDONESIA

Theme: "Ensuring Quality Education through Modern Technologies"

Purpose of the Future Education 2025

“Innovating the Future Education with Technology”

Future Education 2025 Conference is dedicated to revolutionizing education by merging essential knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values with the latest technological advancements. This powerful combination not only enhances learning experiences but also encourages active international collaboration, equipping individuals and communities to face future challenges head-on. Aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our initiative is a driving force for positive change, paving the way for a more inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable world through transformative education.

Global partners

Message from the Conference Chair

Join us in Bali for the 8th International Conference on the Future of Education.  Our previous conferences have provided fruitful venues to learn from each other, and our participants have been glad for the collaboration opportunities at these events.  This year’s meeting will highlight technology innovations that can help ensure quality educational experiences globally.  We invite you to join us and contribute to the conversations!


The conference is a friendly and welcoming place to hear about the latest research in education and to share ideas for collaboration.  If your circumstances don’t allow travel to be with us in person, there is also a virtual option.  I look forward to seeing you either in person or online at the 8th International Conference on the Future of Education 2025!

Dr. Brian D. Beitzel

Dr. Brian D. Beitzel

Associate Dean and Professor
School of Education, Human Ecology, and Sports Studies
SUNY Oneonta

Call for Papers

Theme: “ Ensuring Quality Education through Modern Technologies"

How you will develop with Future Edu 2025?

Gain insights

Gain insights

Attend expert-led workshops to acquire the latest skills and insights in education

Expand your network

Expand your network

Connect with scholars, researchers, and professionals from around the world

share knowledge

Share knowledge

Exchange ideas and learn from diverse perspectives to make a global impact

Collaborate globally

Forge partnerships and explore new avenues for cooperation and innovation

Seamless experience

Seamless experience

Whether in person or virtual, participate in a dynamic and enriching conference

Platform for research

Platform for research

Be part of a transformative event that will influence the future of education globally

7 Years of Remarkable FUTURE EDU Journey

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Conference Chair and Committee

Conference Chair

Dr. Brian D. Beitzel
Associate Dean and Professor
School of Education, Human Ecology, and Sports Studies
SUNY Oneonta

Keynote speaker

Dr. Udomluk Koolsriroj

Dean of Faculty of Education

Kasetsart University
