- This project is designed to help researchers/authors who aspire to develop their full papers up to the standard of high quality academic journals
Publication Opportunities at 5th International Conference on Future of Education 2022
“We believe your paper deserves to meet its ultimate research destination”
We are dedicated to support you through every phase of your journey in research publication. With the aim of locating your research to the right destination, International Conference on Future of Education 2022 (Future of Education 2022) has amplified its publication opportunities by partnering with TIIKM Publishing!
High Ranked Supporting Journals
Dedicated Special Issues
Quality Reviews for Proceedings
Open Access for Proceedings with OJS
Expert guidance with workshops
Personalized Guidance
Book of Abstract
All accepted abstracts for the 5th International Conference on Future of Education 2022 will be published in the Conference Abstract Book with an associated ISBN 978-624-5746-19-4
We follow universally accepted ethics and COPE standards on publication.

We are working with internationally accredited journals from renowned publishers and conference participants are provided with the opportunity to submit their full papers for online (closed access) publication in these journals.
We assist and guide you to get your papers published for free of charge in these journals. Especially, through the coordination and collaboration with these journals, we offer an enormous opportunity for our conference participants to get their full papers published these particular journals.
Guides on submission and author instructions of your preferred journal will be provided separately via an email after the conference.
*** Please note that all supporting journals are subjecting submissions to the double-blind peer-review process. The decision on publication will depend on the peer-review process. Participants are advised to read the journal’s scope and aim before deciding the suitable journal. We follow universally accepted ethics on publication. Accordingly, a guarantee for publication will not be issued before making the submission and completion of the review process.
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
Online ISSN: 1469-297X
Editor in Chief Dr. Malcolm Tight, Lancaster University, UK
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Journal link>>
SCOPUS, ARC, EBSCO Online, EBSCO CD Rom Database, ERIC, ERIH, Higher Education Abstracts, Psychological Abstracts, psycINFO and many more.
International Journal of Teaching and Learning
Online ISSN: 2682-7034
Editor in Chief Dr. Brian D. Beitzel,
Professor of Educational Psychology,
SUNY Oneonta, USA
Publisher TIIKM
Journal link>>
Innovations in Education and Teaching International
Online ISSN: 1470-3300
Editor in Chief Prof. Gina Wisker, SFSEDA – University of Bath, UK
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Journal link>>
SCOPUS, Australian Education Index, British Education Index, ERIC, ERA, PsycFIRST, PsycINFO, IBZ, Social Sciences Citation Index and many more.
Distance Education Journal
Editor in Chief Dr. Som Naidu – Technology, Education and Design Associates, Australia
Publisher Taylor and Francis
SCOPUS, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Research into Higher Education Abstracts, Swets Information Services, Social & Behavioral Sciences and many more.
The Journal of Educational Research
Editor in Chief: Mary F. Heller
Professor & Chair, Division of Education, University of Hawai’i – West O’ahu
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Abstracted/ Indexed in Scopus, Association for Asian Studies, Canada in Context, EBSCOhost, ERIC, ProQuest and many more
Open Learning -The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
Online ISSN: 1469-9958
Editor in Chief: Chris Douce – The Open University, UK
Denise Whitelock – The Open University, UK
Lucy Rai – The Open University UK
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Journal link>>
Abstracted/ Indexed in Scopus, Academic Search; ASSIA; Australian Education Index (AEI); Australian Research Council (ARC), VOCEDplus and many more
We will guide you to prepare your manuscript to conform to journal requirements through simplified guides.
Our publication team will contact you within one week after the conference and guides on submission and author instructions of your preferred journal will be provided separately via an email.
You are instructed to follow the guidelines and do the submission precisely.
Receive comprehensive review comments and even if the feedback is negative it paves the path to develop your paper and re-submit.
We will follow up and communicate with respective journals with regard to your paper submissions.
The process might look extremely complicated and tiresome. With our publication support packs, you can leave the onerous task of managing the submission and publication process to TIIKM Publishing.
Trust our years of experience in dealing with leading academic journals and privilege more of our services to make your publication journey a success.
Read through the aims, scope, guidelines of journals carefully.
Select the most appropriate journal for your paper.
Prepare your manuscript to conform to journal requirements/ guidelines.
Execute a language and grammar check before submission.
The language, flow of the paper and scholarly writing style are of key importance.
Giving an International flavour would be an additional advantage when submitting to International journals.
Plagiarism can tarnish an author’s reputation and credibility as a researcher. Hence following ethics will be of utmost importance.
Quality of graphics and artwork are vital.
The reference list should be academically sound and should be formatted according to the journal’s preferred referencing style.
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF Future of Education 2022
All full papers sent for Conference Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Future of Education 2022 will be subjected to a double-blind reviewing process and will be electronically published in open access with the ISSN 2630-7413 in the proceedings with a DOI Number (DOI prefix: 10.17501).
Our proceedings have coverage Google Scholar and Crossref and sooner the papers will be submitted to renowned indexes like Scopus, Thomson Reuters, CABI for possible indexing.
If your abstract is accepted and you have paid the registration fee for the Future of Education 2022 you are encouraged to submit your full papers.

SUBMIT YOUR FULL PAPER for Conference Proceedings
Before 08th July 2022
For inquiries: publication@tiikmedu.com
- Why Publishing in Conference Proceedings?
- Submission & Publication Process
- Full Paper for Proceedings – Author Instructions
- Structure of the Manuscript for Proceedings
- The entire process will be handled through the Online Journal System in a very professional manner.
- The double-blind peer-reviewing process will ensure that you receive developmental feedback on your paper
- DOI link is provided by Crossref for your manuscript (DOI prefix: 10.17501)
- Archive your manuscripts in Online Journal System (OJS), maintain by TIIKM which is linked with Google Scholar and enhance citations for your manuscript
- Share your paper in any web-based sources/ author profiles to strengthen your academic profile
- Grab this opportunity and get you into a Ph.D. or Master’s program easily and apply for scholarships
- Having published work will give you a promotional boost to advance your career path and make you more confident
- Attend the conference and present your research work
- If your first preference is to publish in conference proceedings read the provided information clearly
- Download the full paper template for conference proceedings
- Prepare your manuscript according to provided guidelines
- Upload your paper through TIIKM Online Journal Systems (OJS) on or before the deadline: 08th July 2022
- Receive review comments for your paper through qualified reviewers
- Revise your paper based on review comments
- Upload the revised paper on or before the stipulated deadline
- Receive the copy of edited manuscripts for screening prior to DOI submission
- Confirm your final copy of the paper and provide us the camera-ready copy of the paper
- Get your paper published in OJS
- Receive DOI link provided by Crossref for your manuscript (DOI prefix: 10.17501)
**Guides on account formation and submission will be provided separately via an email after the conference.
All manuscripts are expected to be prepared as a single editable MS Word document with the complete text, references, tables and figures included.
The manuscript should be in English and checked for grammar and language errors.
Identify one author as the corresponding author (All future communications will be done through the corresponding author).
The corresponding author should take the approval of all authors for submission. TIIKM will not be responsible to answer co-authors of the manuscript.
The Corresponding author is responsible for the full paper submitted to TIIKM. Co-authors’ names, affiliations and email addresses should be correctly mentioned in the manuscripts and entered in the OJS.
All contributors included in your paper should properly acknowledge with referencing and if your study has been funded or supported by any institution, agency, etc…, please indicate the same under “Acknowledgement”
Authors must follow guide for authors strictly. Editors reserve the right to adjust the style to certain standards of uniformity.
If the reviewers suggest advanced revisions, authors will be provided more time to revise the manuscript. In such a scenario, the publication of the manuscript will be pushed to the next issue.
We follow universal accepted ethics & policies on publication and authors are advised to read and follow the instructions before making the submission.
To assist you in preparing your paper, we provide Full paper template. Please save the template to your hard drive, ready for use.
Follow this order when typing manuscripts*: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References and Appendix
This format is provided for original research papers. Authors can follow respective formats for review articles, book reviews, commentaries etc.
Word limit: The Abstract should be no more than 275 words and one paragraph only. The target length for an article is 3,000–5,000 words (excluding figures, tables and references). Articles should not exceed 6,500 words including abstract, endnotes, tables, figures, figure captions or legends, references, acknowledgements and appendices
No more than 6 keywords. Read making your article more discoverable, including information on choosing a title and search engine optimization.
Manuscripts should be submitted in Times New Roman 11 point font, 1.5 line spacing, using the format and reference of American Psychological Association (APA).
- Figures. Figures should be high quality (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for color, at the correct size). Figures should be supplied in one of our preferred file formats: EPS, PS, JPEG, GIF, or Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX).
- Tables. Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.
- Equations. If you are submitting your manuscript as a Word document, please ensure that equations are editable.
- Units. Please use SI units (non-italicized).
- Abbreviations. Should be used sparingly – only where they ease the reader’s task by reducing repetition of long, technical terms. Initially use the word in full, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter use the abbreviation only.
A breakthrough Free TIIKM project to make your research publication possible
Preliminary Reviews for Your Full Paper with the world-class publication “Steering Committee” prior to the conference One of the major issues faced by novice researchers/authors in the present setting are the lack of perspectives to improve writing for academic publications. As a “PUBLISHelp” is introduced by TIIKM to help authors develop their full papers prior to the conference. Once the request is been made, a steering committee member will be assigned to provide the author with developmental comments for the improvement of the full paper. Our main goal is to assist our conference participants to keep one step ahead to improve their valuable research papers.
To whom:
Obtain experts’ inputs to improve your paper
We assist you to obtain constructive inputs and different perspectives from qualified scholars. This will help strengthen the quality of your paper. Reviewed and revised paper with a world-class scientific committee will make your paper more likely to be accepted by high standard journals.
Ability to gain tips to strengthen your presentation
Feedback received via this committee will help you polish the final presentation at the conference as well.
Help develop academic writing skills
The knowledge that you will be gathering from this initiative will benefit you in your future academic writing for academic publications.
Free Service
This is a free project designed by TIIKM and AEMS to help conference participants develop their career an extra mile.
You have to be a paid participant for the conference
Have your full paper sent to publication@tiikmedu.com 6 weeks prior to the conference date with the subject “Application for PUBLISHelp Service – – Future of Education 2022”
Please mention your abstract ID and Registration ID in the email body
**Limited number of opportunities based on a First Come First Serve basis
If you are interested in joining the Steering Committee:
Please convey your interests to Mr. Dinusha Randimal at dinusha.r@tiikmedu.com with your CV. (Please indicate “Application for Steering Committee” in the subject line)
If you have any questions regarding the options for publication of your work, please try our FAQ or you can send inquiries to our team at any time.
Contact: Mr. Dinusha Randimal
Email – dinusha.r@tiikmedu.com / publication@tiikmedu.com
Whatsapp: +94 770595907
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Disclaimer: TIIKM Publishing is a platform assisting scholars to get their valuable research work published and aspire their dreams as scholars with a solid research background. We serve the purpose of knowledge transfer and own all copyrights in the texts, images, graphics, user interface and other contents provided on the website. You may use the services and other contents included in this page for your own individual non-commercial and information purpose only. Any other use, including any commercial purpose and illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.